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HOW TO: evolve your happy in 2021

The year 2020 will no doubt go down in history (or at least in my diary) as a year that presented daily struggles unlike anything I've ever experienced. From major life shifts like remote working and learning for my children to the impact of social distancing from our loved ones, the year was a whole mood. As we prepare for the shiny, brand new year ahead, I find myself reflecting on the gifts 2020 offered as well as the opportunities ahead. And the question keeps popping up, how can we evolve from the ashes of 2020 to find our new version of HAPPY.

REFLECTION: I find it helpful to reflect on all of my accomplishments, take stock of how achieving my goals makes me feel and if anything in my life needs to change in order to keep improving. Over time, my definition of success has certainly changed from the checklist I created in my twenties.  This exercise requires a deep connection to what really feels like success and accomplishment to you and you only (sometimes we can confuse what others perceive as success) as our own. By being honest with yourself about where you’ve been, where you are, and where you’re headed, will help you stay on the fast-track to success.

KEEP HAPPY COMPANY: We all can be creatures of habit when it comes to the people we surround ourselves with. And we tend to have friends who we love to hang out with, but who can also be holding us back from attaining true happiness. While it’s okay to visit in moderation, hanging out with the same people on a daily basis can severely impede your growth. Raise the bar and challenge yourself to make new friendships in 2021. Embracing new relationships that will expand your thinking, experiences, social network will ultimately introduce you to new channels of achieving happiness and personal growth. 

WRITE HAPPY THOUGHTS: I am the CEO pf doodling and jotting down all of my random ideas. In fact, Wash with Water has been built on daily scribbles. Grab a pencil and paper or use the memo or notes feature on your smartphone to keep track of random ideas or anything you come across that makes you stop and wonder. This is the first step towards exploration, learning, and manifesting. When we explore new positive ways of thinking and become a student of life, happiness has a way of meeting us. 

HAPPY IS HERE AND THERE: Once you find something that interests you, expand upon it. Learn more through research, asking questions, and being active within these circles of thought. And keep the momentum going. Choose an activity that is unfamiliar and outside of your typical areas of interest. You may find an activity, hobby, or special interest in the most unlikely place. Don’t let the fear of being a newbie or "failing" stop you. You may connect with someone else on his or her first time as well. Your new pieces of HAPPY are right around the corner!


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